Inspired by the results of WEP-Goat project so we launched our new project “Women Empowerment Project (WEP) – Soap Project.”

The “WEP – Soap Project” is a partnership between Empower1 (501 c 3 non-profit based in US) and Peace4People (Non-profit based in Nepal). This project aims to build a soap factory in Dhading, a rural village in Nepal, and train our participants to make bar soap and sell them in markets.

Why Soap?
Majority of Nepalese house hold (60 – 70%) in Nepal do not own a washing machine or dishwasher for various reasons, financial being the top reason. The clothes are washed by hand with bar soap which is why there is a big market for bar soaps in Nepal. Our goal is to train local women to make soaps which can be sold in markets to generate income for them and their families. Currently, due to low literacy rate among women in the village, they are limited to house and farm work and dependent on their male figure of the household. Once trained, the women in the village will be able to generate income by selling bar soaps, be independent and help improve their families livelihood.

Wep volunteers 2018
Wep dinner 2018
WEP Dinner event

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